god: set, culture: egyptian, author: te velde, author: gardiner, culture: levantine, goddess: astarte, goddess: anat

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  • Asherah, Anat, Astarte

    ikhet_sekhmet Feb 15, 2016 19:18

    Brief notes from Archaeological Perspectives on the Transmission and Transformation of Culture in the Eastern Mediterranean.

    In "Minoan Asherah", Stephanie Budin seeks to explain the form of the Judean Pillar Figure*, goddess figurines holding their breasts and with "a pillar-shaped, free-standing base". She argues that these combine features from ( Read more... )

    culture: egyptian, goddess: hathor, culture: israelite, goddess: anat, culture: cypriot, goddess: asherah, culture: phoenician, goddess: astarte

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  • Snippets from "Gods and Men in Egypt"

    ikhet_sekhmet Jan 26, 2015 21:25

    I couldn't remember for the life of me why I'd borrowed this, so I just went through the index looking for interesting stuff. What an appalling thing to do with a book. Anyway ( Read more... )

    subject: creation, god: aresnuphis, god: heron, god: ogdoad, god: sobek, culture: nubian, god: sopdu, god: ptah, god: amun, goddess: amaunet, god: mithra, goddess: cybele, culture: egyptian, god: ra, place: kom ombo, culture: canaanite, god: heqa, goddess: anat, goddess: neith, god: nun, god: haurun, god: baal, god: resheph, god: khnum, god: attis, goddess: bendis, goddess: astarte

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  • The Old Testament: A Very Short Introduction

    ikhet_sekhmet Jul 16, 2014 14:11

    What a helpful and enlightening little book! Not just for comparisons with other Ancient Near Eastern cultures, but because everyone bangs on about the Bible these days, with varying levels of informedness ( Read more... )

    god: nergal, god: dagon, goddess: asherah, god: tammuz, god: amun, god: marduk, culture: israelite, figure: azazel, figure: lilith, god: milcom, god: mot, text: bible, god: baal, god: resheph, god: ashtar-chemosh, goddess: astarte, god: chemosh, god: hadad

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  • The Papyrus of Astarte

    ikhet_sekhmet Apr 25, 2014 11:43

    ... is in so many tattered pieces, apparently, that it's not even clear what the story is about. Alan H. Gardiner thinks the Egyptian gods ask Astarte to intervene on their behalf with the greedy, bellicose sea, but even that's just an educated guess. One of the few fragments that's more than a few words in length is this bit of dialogue, ( Read more... )

    culture: egyptian, author: gardiner, goddess: astarte

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  • Horses, goddesses, royalty, and doctors

    ikhet_sekhmet Dec 22, 2012 07:00

    Dimitri Meeks points out that since the horse was introduced into Egypt from the Near East, it makes sense that horse-riding deities in Egypt are also from the Near East. The most prominent rider is Astarte, who's actually better known from Egyptian examples than from Near Eastern ones. He highlights three in particular:

    author: meeks, culture: egyptian, goddess: hathor, subject: egyptian medicine, goddess: raettawy, goddess: sekhmet, goddess: astarte

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  • Randomness and leftover bits

    ikhet_sekhmet Feb 16, 2012 19:33

    From a review in BAOS 357 Feb 2010 of The Origins of Aphrodite by Stephanie Lynn Budin, a book upon which I must lay my grubby paws because of its examination of goddesses (Inanna/Ishtar, Ishara, Asherah, Astarte, Qudshu) and cults (in Ugarit, Alalakh, Megiddo, Beth Shan, Tel Mevorakh, Lachish, Egypt) which may have influenced A.

    goddess: aphrodite, culture: egyptian, goddess: mut, culture: greek, goddess: neith, goddess: amaunet, goddess: astarte, goddess: nephthys

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  • Forty Lion Goddesses

    ikhet_sekhmet Nov 05, 2011 19:23

    A footnote in Mistress of the House, Mistress of Heaven gives a list of "almost forty [Egyptian] goddesses with leonine associations". Using the footnote's spelling, they are ( Read more... )

    goddess: seret, goddess: mut, goddess: hathor, goddess: ai, goddess: nekhbet, goddess: isis, goddess: qadesh/qudshu, goddess: pakhet, goddess: shesmetet, author: willems, goddess: sekhmet, goddess: meretseger, goddess: wadjet, culture: egyptian, goddess: menhyt, goddess: weret-hekau, goddess: henut-mestjet, goddess: matit, goddess: tefnut, subject: cats and lions, goddess: bastet, god: khonsu, god: mati, goddess: mekhit, goddess: djedet, goddess: renenutet, goddess: astarte, goddess: wenenut

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